Oak Bay High School Green Space

Oak Bay High School Green Space is in the seaside community of Oak Bay, one of thirteen areas of the Capital Regional District of British Columbia. This green space is has several pedestrian friendly pathways and large sports fields including an artificial turf field. This field is fenced with chain-linked wire fencing. There is a concrete seating area on the northside of the field. There several grass covered areas around the green space including the center of the oval running track. A large garry oak tree provides invaluable shade at the track. The school is part of the British Columbia School District  61 Victoria and the green space is accessible outside of school hours until dark. The school was rebuilt in 2016; the original buildings were from the late nineteen twenties. A large giant sequoia tree was planted in eighteen sixty two by Mr Alexis Casanave whose had property bordered along Bowker Creek.  Several Garry oak trees are found on this green space. Bowker Creek Park borders on the south side while the Oak Bay Recreation Center lies to the southeast.

Geographic Location N48º 25’ 58”  W123º 19’ 5”

Oak Bay High School Green Space can be reached from the Trans Canada Highway. Continue along the Hwy 1 into Victoria as it becomes Douglas Street. Turn off Douglas onto Hillside Avenue to head east. Stay on Hillside Avenue as it becomes Lansdowne Road. Continue along Lansdowne Road to reach Foul Bay Road. Turn onto Cadboro Bay Road to head east and look for the green space and parking area on the right. There are several parking areas and some street parking along Canmore Street. City buses travel along Cadboro Bay Road and Foul Bay Road.


Rocky Point Road Green Space

Rocky Point Road Green Space is in the District of Metchosin, a coastal community in the Capital Regional District of British Columbia. The bridle and pedestrian trail borders along north side of roadway and is one of many such roadside trails in this community. The dirt and gravel footpath is about one thousand meters long and connects Happy Valley Road with Winfall Road. The Galloping Goose Trail and Witty’s Lagoon Park are nearby.

Geographical Location   N48º 22’ 55” W123 32′ 17″

Rocky Point Road Green Space can be reached from Highway 1 when you exit at the Millstream /Veteran Memorial Parkway exit. Head south along the Veteran Memorial Parkway to reach Latoria Road. Turn right onto Latoria Road and continue along to each Happy Valley Road. At the junction with Rocky Point Road turn onto right onto Rocky Point Road. The bridle trail is on the right and can be access from Winfall Road. There there is limited parking along Winfall Road. City buses travel along Happy Valley Road toward Metchosin Road.

Ashley Green Space

Ashley Green Space is a gravel footpath in the Millstream – Florence Lake neighborhood of Langford, B.C. The one hundred and seventy meter long pathway connects Millstream Road to Ashley Place. The pathway borders on several residential homes. Himalayan blackberry bushes are abundant along the trail which is shaded by Douglas fir, cedar and arbutus trees. Gardner Creek flows from Lake Ida Ann along a portion of Ashley Green space. This creek connects with Mill Stream. A pleasant two kilometer stroll is from this green space, around Lake Ida Ann to the trail through Jamie Green Space, along the streets in this quiet neighborhood to Sparrow Green Space then south along Millstream Road to return to Ashley Place.

Geographic location N48° 27’57” W123°30’11”

Ashley Green Space can be reached from the Trans Canada Highway also called Hwy1. Turn at Millstream Road and look for the trail access between homes 2272 and 2276. There is no parking along Millstream Road. Alternatively, turn west onto Treanor Avenue then right onto Ashley Place and look for the trailhead between homes 222 and 213. There is limited roadside parking this area which is right beside Lake Ida Ann Park.

Skirt Mountain Lookout Trail

Skirt Mountain Lookout Trail 13 Skirt Mountain Lookout Trail 7

Skirt Mountain is a three hundred and forty two meter high peak near Mount Finlayson, which stands at four hundred and fifteen meters. The trail to the summit follows the proposed route for the Bear Mountain Parkway and roadways for about five kilometers. The route is partially paved yet mostly loose gravel and bedrock. The panoramic view from the summit is amazing. With the Olympic and Coastal Mountain ranges providing a backdrop for the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Haro Strait, the communities in the Capital Regional District are on display. The trail is part of the development for Bear Mountain Village and the route follows the planned roadway with the proposed lots. The Hub located in Bear Mountain Village is the base for Cycling Canada Mountain Bike Team and this is one of several trails used for cycling.

Geographic location N48° 28’28” W123°32’4”

Skirt Mountain Lookout Trail can be reached from the Trans Canada Highway also called Hwy1. Turn at Millstream Road and turn left onto Bear Mountain Parkway. Continue along BMP to the barrier near the end of road. The trail is on the east side of the asphalt and head south along the roadway. There are parking areas on both sides of the road.

Atkins Road Green Space

GGT TCT near Atkins Road trail head

Atkins Road Green Space is a small area useful for parking when the parking lot at Thetis Lake Regional Park is full. It is also a site to access the Galloping Goose Trail although the main trail head with water and washrooms is five hundred meters east along Atkins Road. It is even an excellent space to explore on its own. Immediately to the north of this green space is the Via Railway Track. A couple of tall pine trees, Himalayan blackberries and other small shrubs fill the area. Parson’s Bridge Park, Jalan Park, Parson’s Access Park, Mellor Park, Nursery Hill Park, Garry Oak Meadow Park, Burchill Park, Chilco Park, the Galloping Goose Trail and Trans Canada Trail as well as Thetis Lake Park are nearby.

Geographical location N48° 27’ 31” W123° 27’ 50”

Atkins Road Green Space can be accessed from the Trans Canada Highway, Hwy1. Exit onto the Island Highway and stay to the left to merge with traffic going under the freeway and railway overpasses. Turn onto Six Mile Road and continue along the road just under the bridge overpass for the Galloping Goose Trail. Turn right onto Atkins Road and look for the green space to the left. There is no roadside parking along Six Mile Road. City buses travel along the Island Highway and Atkin Road (on the west side).