Eleanor Mann Park

Eleanor Mann Park sign

Eleanor Mann Park is in the District of Metchosin, a coastal community in the Capital Regional District of British Columbia.   This forested area was selectively logged in the mid nineteen hundreds and continues to support cedar, Douglas fir and arbutus trees. Salal, ferns, mosses and lichen form part of the understory. The Mann family business, Don Mann Excavating Ltd, donated the parkland in the memory of Eleanor, wife of Don and mother to Steve, current proprietor of the family business. The main trails are bridle trails that are interconnected to the pathways from the end of Sweet Chestnut Place, along Liberty Drive and near the end of Arden Road.   Metchosin Wilderness Park, Bob Mountain Park and Buckbrush Swamp Park are nearby.

Geographical location N48º 22’23” W123º 34’ 48”

Eleanor Mann Park can be reached from the TransCanada Highway (Hwy 1) when you exit at the Millstream /Veteran Memorial Parkway exit. Head south along the Veteran Memorial Parkway to reach Latoria Road. Turn right onto Latoria Road and continue along to reach Happy Valley Road. Turn left onto Happy Valley Road then right onto Rocky Point Road. Continue along Rocky Point Road to reach Liberty Drive. Follow along Liberty Drive to reach Deer Park Trail and look for the park access at the end of the road.