Bellamy Park TCH

Bellamy Park TCH 2

Bellamy Park TCH is near the Trans Canada Highway at the south end of Bellamy Road. This nature area is along steep slopes of the ravine for Mill Stream. Mill Stream, or Millstream Creek as it is often called, is the main waterway in a watershed that starts in the Gowlland Tod range of the Highlands and includes seven lakes and numerous ponds. There are about five kilometers of Mill Stream within the Langford City boundary most of which has a riparian buffer to protect the water quality of the stream. Mill Stream flows in to Esquimalt Harbour near Price Bay. As a second growth forest area there are Douglas fir, big leaf maple and cedar trees in the park. Tacon, Sunkist, Hansen, Gourman Parks are nearby. Avery Place Trail and Nicki Place Trail to Thetis Lake Park are also nearby. Selwyn Trail lies on the opposite bank of Mill Stream.

Geographic location N48° 27’39” W123°29’27”

Bellamy Park TCH can be reached from the Trans Canada Highway also called Hwy1. Turn at Millstream Road and continue to the log house pub and turn right onto Treanor Avenue and turn left on to Bellamy Road. Continue to the end of the road. There is limited parking near the park. City buses travel along Bellamy Road and Treanor Road.

Hansen Park

This post is updated here.

Hansen Park