Pemberton Park, Victoria, BC

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At just over two hectares, Pemberton Park has a bit for everyone: forest trails, playground, baseball diamond with large backstop and bleachers as well as toilets. The southeastern side of the park has pathway through the Douglas fir, big leaf maples and horse chestnut trees. There are several berry bushes including a few blackberries, snow berries and salmon berries. The large grassy field is use by the Bays United Football Club and Beacon Hill Little League Baseball; check their websites to find out when games are hosted at the park. The playground has double sets of toddler and child swings. Set in the sand base is a wooden climbing structure with a curly slide and monkey bars. This park is popular with families, dog walkers, hikers and sport supporters. This park is currently an off leash park for dog. The park was named for the civil engineer and surveyor JD Pemberton of the mid eighteen-fifties. He held title to land that included nearly all of Oak Bay and much of Fernwood. Pemberton Park is close to Glenlyon Norfolk School Green Space, Wilmer Green and Maddison Green. The Chandler Gonzales Pathway, across Gonzales Road, leads south toward Ecole Margaret Jenkins Elementary Green Space. A few blocks further are Gonzales Beach and Gonzales Hill Regional Park. This is a wonderful place to explore in your backyard.

Geographic coordinates N48° 25′ 7” W123° 19′ 44″

Pemberton Park can be reached from Blanchard Street. Turn east onto Fairfield Road and follow along to Richmond Road. Turn left onto Richmond Road then right onto Richardson Street. The park is on the junction of Richardson and Gonzales Avenue. There is limited roadside parking. City buses travel along Fairfield Road between downtown and the University of Victoria.

Maddison Green

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Split cedar fencing borders part of the rectangular Maddison Green located in the quiet residential neighborhood of Fairfield in Victoria, BC. The green space is a re-planted Garry Oak meadow. There are several native flowers seen within the green which is bordered by deer ferns. Wilmer Green, Glenlyon Norfolk School Green Space and Pemberton Park are south along Maddison Street.

Geographic coordinates N48° 25′ 22” W123° 19′ 35″

Maddison Green can be reached from Blanchard Street. Turn east onto Fort Street and continue on Oak Bay Avenue. Turn left onto Chamberlain Road and at the intersection with Brighton Avenue continue onto Maddison Street. The park is on the corner junction with Lawndale Street. There is limited parking along these streets. City buses travel along Oak Bay Avenue and Foul Bay Road from downtown.

Wilmer Green

Wilmer Green 6

Split cedar fencing borders part of the triangular Wilmer Green located in the quiet residential neighborhood of Fairfield in Victoria, BC. The Garry oak meadow area is a re-planted native plant garden. There are several young Garry oak trees as well as smaller plants within the meadow. Maddison Green is near the junction of Maddison and Lawndale Avenue. Glenlyon Norfolk School Green Space and Pemberton Park are south along Maddison Street.

Geographic coordinates N48° 25′ 19” W123° 19′ 38″

Wilmer Green can be reached from Blanchard Street. Turn east onto Fort Street and continue on Oak Bay Avenue. Turn left onto Richmond Road and at the y-shaped intersection turn right onto Quamichan Street. Continue to Maddison Street and turn left onto Wilmer Street. There is limited parking along these streets. City buses travel along Oak Bay Avenue and Foul Bay Road from downtown.