Glenairlie Park, View Royal, B.C.

Glenairlie Park grass Glenaire Park sign

Glenairlie Park lies along a low ridge that overlooks the estuary of Craigflower Creek that is where it meets Portage Inlet in View Royal, B.C. The E&N Railway and Rail Trail lies between the park and the water. Located in a quiet residential neighborhood, Glenairlie Park is a sloped twelve hundred square meters of grass. There is road access to the railway berm along the east side of the park although there is limited access to the water from this park. A well located bench provides a good vantage point to view the waterway. A few small trees complete this landscaped area. View Royal Elementary School Green Space is to the west, while Suzanne Place Green Space is to the south along Glenairlie Drive.


Geographical location N48° 27’ 18” W123° 25’ 54”


Glenairlie Park can be reached from the Trans Canada Highway (Hwy 1) onto Helmcken Road and turn south. Continue past two traffic circles and turn left onto Rudyard Road beside View Royal Elementary School. Continue along Rudyard Road to reach Stormont Road. Turn left onto Stormont Road and continue as it merges with Glenairlie Drive. The park is on the left between homes numbered 305 and 277. There is limited road side parking along Glenairlie Drive. City buses travel along Helmcken Road and the Old Island Highway.


Note: The E&N Rail Trail may be accessible from this park once construction is completed.

View Royal Elementary School Green Space

Located near Craigflower Creek and Portage Inlet, View Royal Elementary School Green Space is a terrific area to enjoy outside of school hours. The school grounds are just under three hectares. The area at the front of this fifty year old building is a tri-level area. The lower area is a paved parking space for teachers, staff and parents. A dozen concrete stairs lead up to the basketball court, a ball toss basket and circles painted on the asphalt for fox and hound outdoor games. There is a chain-link fence surrounding this raised area. The concrete retaining wall around the basketball court depicts colorful images of children at play. The upper level has a playground with a wood chip base and is bordered by a grass covered area. This playground has various climbing apparatus that connect to a platform with a slide. A cedar hedge fence forms a partial barrier along Helmcken Road while the chain-link fence is decorated with fish in a colorful display. A map of North America is painted on the asphalt near this playground. A small sloped grass covered area provides a natural play area along Rudyard Road and Glenairlie Drive. Several spruce and big leaf maple trees as well as several shrubs grow in this area. Near the entrance to the school are six raised garden beds near the school.

Two other playground areas are shared with the preschool and out-of-school care facilities that are part of the school campus. A playground area, around the back of the school building, has swings, metal monkey bars and climbing apparatus. There are two squares painted into quarters and a painted spiral for hopscotch on the asphalt near this playground. A large grass covered sports field lies along the E&N Railway track and rail trail. This north side of the school grounds is framed by a row of deciduous trees. A footpath connects the green space to both Rudyard Road, via these series of multi-step concrete staircases, and to Glenairlie Drive along a paved sloped pathway that is bordered by a black berry bushes and a row of trees. The green space and building that forms the elementary school grounds are part of the school district of Victoria number sixty one. Helmcken Park, Glenairlie Park, Portage Park and View Royal Municipal Park are nearby.

Geographical location N48° 27’ 27” W123° 26’ 13”


View Royal Elementary School Green Space can be reached from the Trans Canada Highway (Hwy 1). Exit onto Helmcken Road and turn south. Continue past the first traffic circle to the second one, near Craigflower Creek, and exit into the school parking lot. City buses travel along Helmcken Road.

E &N Rail Trail – View Royal

E&N Rail Trail Portage Park E&N Rail Trail Portage Inlet

This three kilometer regional trail parallels the E&N railway track from Halloway Road to Atkins Avenue in View Royal, B.C. While there is typically a footpath on or along railbeds, the E&N Rail Trail – View Royal is being developed into a paved multi-user trail that lies beside the functional railway track. The rail trail hooks up with the Galloping Goose Trail and Trans Canada Trail at Atkins Avenue.


From Halloway Road, the Rail Trail passes through the Douglas fir and Garry oak forest of Portage Park. There are several footpaths into the park including one that leads to a tunnel that passes under the railway. The pedestrian bridge over the Island Highway is at about seven hundred meters from Halloway Road. From the bridge there are views of the waters of Portage Inlet and the hills to the north. The trail also ties in with the cyclist route beside the Island Highway with a paved curved ramp. The Rail Trail continues to bend along the waters of Portage Inlet and is bordered by private properties on the south side. The trail curves to head westward along the estuary and shore of Craigflower Creek. There are red alder and willow trees that form the riparian area which is the habitat for many local and migratory birds. The grass coverd slope of Glenairlie Park can be seen to the south. As the rail trail reaches the bridge over Helmcken Road, View Royal Elementary School Green Space with sports fields and playground areas can be seen. Once past the bridge, the landscaped and grass covered area of View Royal Park encourage an excursion from the trail in this lovely residential area with royal views. The Rail Trail continues through residential complexes and single family homes to reach Fort Victoria. Palmer Station, an original VIA Rail stop, divides the pleasant camping and recreation vehicle grounds of the Fort Victoria RV Park. Soon the forested area of Kislingbury Road Green Space is seen to the left while the Adams Place Green Space lies further along to the right just after the storage facility with many cargo boxes. The trail eventually connects to the Atkins Avenue junction with the Galloping Goose Trail.


Note as of December 2014 this trail is under construction and sections are incomplete.


Geographical location N48° 27’ 47” W123° 25’ 50” at Halloway Road


The Rail Trail – View Royal can be reached from the Trans Canada Highway (Hwy 1). Since the rail trail connects with the Galloping Goose Trail-View Royal the route can be accessed from Atkins Avenue where there is a small parking area. To reach the Halloway Road section of the Rail Trail exit Hwy1 onto Admirals Road and continue passed Craigflower Bridge and Road to turn right onto Halloway Road. There is limited roadside parking near the trail head at the end of Halloway Road. City buses travel near this trail at many road crossings.