Lake Ida Ann Park

Lake Ida Ann Park 5 Lake Ida Ann Park 2 Lake Ida Ann Park

Lake Ida Ann Park is in the Bear Mountain – Florence Lake neighborhood of Langford, B.C. This small manmade lake lies within the Gardner Creek drainage which is part of the Mill Stream watershed. The park is about a hectare in size with a gravel footpath along the shoreline. The four hundred meter pathway is partial forested with alder, ocean spray with small arbutus, willow, cedar and spruce trees. Along the trail, there are picturesque views of the two fountains used to aerating the shallow water. Several benches and picnic tables are found along the lake shore although this is not a lake for swimming as it rather shallow. A wooden pedestrian bridge passes over a seasonal creek near the trail to Jamie Place. The east end of the lake is dammed by concrete bags and a culvert to maintain the water level. This lake is stock annually with seventy-five trout by the government’s environment branch. The expectation is that the fish will be hooked by young novice fishers. Pathways from both Jamie Place and Ashley Place connect to the lake trail. A pleasant two kilometer stroll is around Lake Ida Ann to the trail through Ashley Green Space, north along Millstream Road to Sparrow Green Space and back along the streets in this quiet neighborhood to reach the trail at Jamie Place. Lakewood Elementary School Green Space, Setchfield Park and Camli Green Space are nearby.

Geographic location N48° 27’56” W123°30’17”

Ida Ann Park can be reached from the Trans Canada Highway also called Hwy1. Turn at Millstream Road and continue to the log house pub. Turn left onto Treanor Avenue and look to the right for the roadside parking area. Buses travel along Treanor Ave.

Ashley Green Space

Ashley Green Space is a gravel footpath in the Millstream – Florence Lake neighborhood of Langford, B.C. The one hundred and seventy meter long pathway connects Millstream Road to Ashley Place. The pathway borders on several residential homes. Himalayan blackberry bushes are abundant along the trail which is shaded by Douglas fir, cedar and arbutus trees. Gardner Creek flows from Lake Ida Ann along a portion of Ashley Green space. This creek connects with Mill Stream. A pleasant two kilometer stroll is from this green space, around Lake Ida Ann to the trail through Jamie Green Space, along the streets in this quiet neighborhood to Sparrow Green Space then south along Millstream Road to return to Ashley Place.

Geographic location N48° 27’57” W123°30’11”

Ashley Green Space can be reached from the Trans Canada Highway also called Hwy1. Turn at Millstream Road and look for the trail access between homes 2272 and 2276. There is no parking along Millstream Road. Alternatively, turn west onto Treanor Avenue then right onto Ashley Place and look for the trailhead between homes 222 and 213. There is limited roadside parking this area which is right beside Lake Ida Ann Park.

Sparrow Green Space

Sparrow Green Space is a gravel footpath in the Millstream – Florence Lake neighborhood of Langford, B.C. A pleasant two kilometer stroll is from this green space, south along Millstream Road to Ashley Green Space then around Lake Ida Ann to the trail through Jamie Green Space and back along the streets in this quiet neighborhood.

This park is near All Fun Recreation Green Space and Goldie Park.

Geographic location N48° 28’5” W123°30’10”

Sparrow Green Space can be reached from the Trans Canada Highway also called Hwy1. Turn at Millstream Road and look for the trail between homes 2260 and 2262 Millstream Road. There is limited parking along Millstream Road. Alternatively, turn off Millstream Road west onto Treanor Avenue and continue along to Misty Way. Turn right onto Misty Way, right onto Flicker Lane to reach Sparrow Court. Look for the trail access between homes 2387 and 2391. There is limited roadside parking this area.